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Messages - Desanya

Pages: [1]
Feature Requests / Donation/follower Txt Files Customization
« on: November 10, 2014, 07:41:48 AM »

I wanted to change the donation text files; so instead of it saying a name then just a number followed we can add different variables. 

Currently if I were to get a donation of 20$ it would say : "Name - (20)" 
I would like to change it to like :  "Name - $20.00 - MSG" for a quick example.  I can manually do it in text fields, but then it's not automatically updated.


Help/Support / Re: File Output Customization
« on: November 01, 2014, 05:43:33 AM »
The text files, like if you look at "Top Donor" it shows the name and (amount ) so it's like   -   Desanya (1)  for 1 dollar. 

How can we change these?

Help/Support / Re: !addquote
« on: October 29, 2014, 04:57:57 AM »
I'm not sure, I would have to check the VIP section of features.  But to add a quote it's just  [ !addquote go ham ] without the brackets and it will add it.  Make sure you setup the correct permissions or it will throw back errors.

VIP Features :
- Follower Notifications (Setup instructions : link) )
- Donation Notifications (Setup instructions : link) )
- OBS Chat Overlay with option to filter out bot commands (Setup instructions : link) )
- Donation, Sub and Follow Targets tracking
- Notification Dashboard (Replay Donation, Sub and Follower Notifications and provide detailed information on donations received)
- Automated Hosting Manager to automatically host your favourite streams when they are online.
- Commercial Manager for partnered streams
- Access to the Drag Race stream game.
- Bank Heist Name customization
- Daily Cloud Database Backup of user data
- Follow Dates shown in the User Database.

Help/Support / File Output Customization
« on: October 29, 2014, 04:51:42 AM »

How can I change the output variables on last donations/followers/top donation etc?


2.) Desanya
3.) desanyaafterdarkbot
4.) Tuesday,Thursday, Friday, and Saturday 6PM PST
5.) No
6.) 20-30
7.) No I only use nightbot

System Edit : Application Accepted. Install complete. Thanks for the support!

Pages: [1]