...does not work. site is deemed unsafe by googlechrome and therefore i cannot use googlechrome, I've try"ed firefox and as soon as i log in the page just goes white and stays that way with deepbot.tv/oauth/#access_token=28dycr19rdbo4moatuwzcs70y0zj&scope=user_read displayed at the top of the page. and internet explorer say's there is a problem with this website's security certificate.
it's been way too long and I'm about to just quit deepbot alltogether and unsuggest it from my friends. all I'm getting is the same answer over and over even though I'm saying i's not working, google chrome won't work. does not work for me period, would love if it did but it doesn't...
please actually help fix my issue or let me know if you can't so i can just unsubscribe and take my business elsewhere.