Currently (Unless my eyes deceive me of course. It is quite late) there isn't a recent follower txt file that is produced by Deepbot. Any file, future or present, that is produce by Deepbot for displaying on your stream can be found in the "obs" folder in the location where you installed Deepbot. May be worth navigating over to the Feature Request forum and posting a topic there for this to be included in future releases.
In the meantime, there is a way to list of recent followers in your chat (but not on stream, you would need to use something like TeeBoard for that). Make a command like !recentFollowers and make the return text @last5follows@. When this command is then used (I would recommend making it mod only due to spam potential and, in the case of BTTV users, highlight spam) it will show an ordered list of your 5 most recent followers. It will produce something similar to this;
1. thirdday12, 2. rastamegusta, 3. cotgrove88, 4. melissa_loves_everyone, 5. masrerzombie0
I know it's not what you wanted but for the moment this is a workaround.
As for donations, I am unsure. I don't use Deepbot for "donations" (I prefer to call them tips) but if it did give you a "recent donations" text file you would find it in the "obs" folder where Deepbot is installed.