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Chat Filter
« on: August 19, 2014, 11:18:36 AM »
One of the streams I moderate has decided to implement deepbot into their stream. We are using the currency to bet on raids and win prizes with the gold.

One of the problems we have ran into was the spamming of the chat with !gold. When there are 500 viewers, this can get very hectic.

I was wondering, is there a way to filter out the chat of !gold, so it does not appear in the chat room?

Say I would type !gold. I would be the only one to see the command, but everyone sees the bot saying how much gold I have.

What we would like:
On my screen:
Clashoo: !gold
PinB0t: gold : clashoo [11 Hrs] - 40
Someone else's screen
PinB0t: gold : clashoo [11 Hrs] - 40



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Re: Chat Filter
« Reply #1 on: August 19, 2014, 11:51:58 AM »
There is an option "Only Allow Points To Be Checked On Bot Chat" that can be selected. What this option does is make it so the !points command doesn't work in your chat but instead makes it only functional in your bots chat. This means a viewer would need to open your bots channel page and use the command there. This option is recommended to use if you are finding your chat is being overtaken by point checks.

You can check to see if you have this option enabled by doing the following;

- Open the "config" tab in Deepbot
- Press the cog icon next to where it says "Status online/offline".

In the dialog box that opens you should see a checkbox next to where it says "Only Allow Points To Be Checked On Bot Chat". Uncheck this if you want points to be checked within your own chat and check it if you want viewers to not spam your main channel, but go to your bots channel and check points there.