Author Topic: Disable bot action chat notifications  (Read 1946 times)

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Disable bot action chat notifications
« on: September 05, 2014, 05:02:31 AM »
We have Subscriber and Follower notifications turned on in the chat.

For a follower the bot says:
Line 1: "Thank you for following %n"
and nothing else which is good.

However for Subscriber the bot says:
Line 1: "Thank you %n for subscribing to the stream!"
Line 2: "Moved %n to VIP Bronze and added 10 points"
We do not want the second line to be shown or at least have the option be able to toggle it on or off.

Its is strange because we have points being given to people who follow but the bot does not say it. However there is with Subs because we move them to a VIP slot I assume.

I looked all through the options and there does not seem to be a option to turn this off/on. has anyone else had this issue or know if there is a hidden option anywhere?



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Re: Disable bot action chat notifications
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2014, 08:59:20 PM »
Unfortunately, there isn't an option available that allows you to toggle this message on and off currently. This is more an informative message saying which VIP group the user has been moved into (As there are three possible groups for the user). Feel free to make a feature request to gauge how useful this would be to other users as I myself agree that this should be a feature. Any extra lines in the chat which you deem useless in my opinion shouldn't be there.

Also sorry for the late reply, I've been busy with my own personal projects. You probably already figured out what I said before this post.

If you need to get through to me you can try to contact me on Twitter @