Author Topic: Support for more than 1 channel! Extra feature, add on option through payment!  (Read 1633 times)

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  • Youngling
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  • Twitch Name: MetagamingTV
I have some vague memory that I have seen this been mentioned before, maybe even by us.

But we are at a place now where we have a very good reason to wanna be able to have the bot be able to exist in more than 1 channel, and by thus be able to keep track of users in a list of channels and, preferably be able to even run bank heists and such in all of these channels.

I realize this in itself is probably a very resource heavy thing, but at the same time, from what I have read this bot can handle thousands of users simultaneously? So why not be able to be in several channels?

NOW, this idea falls instantly if then one guy buys a license for the bot and uses it in multiply channels. This is why such a feature should be a paid extra feature, where you pay for each and every channel you wish to add to it.

Reason for us to dream about this, is because we have a Stream Team set up on twitch, and we as a team and group, do things together and would be able to have all our viewers and users across our channels to be able to benefit from the same one loyalty system, as most of our audience is loyal to our entire team. And for us to use this one bot on our channels jointly.

This I feel would be a GREAT feature and one to put this bot even more in front of all the competition!

This must be doable? I mean the bot uses a twitch account, joins a chat channel, so how about giving it the power to join a selection of channels, each one added by an extra fee to the developer? We would pay for this!

Thanks for taking the time to read this, but also to consider this.



  • Youngling
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  • Twitch Name: MetagamingTV
I wanna bump this, and perhaps have it added to that voting page you guys have now.

For our stream team, this would be pure GOLD! As we would obviously pay for each channel that would have the bot connected to it. But also as our stream team on twitch is a tight group with many shared viewers, it would just increase our community in so many positive ways!

I can understand if this is a major feature though that would take a lot of time and effort. but its one that I think would be a major thing. Many channels would be able to come together and have shared currencies and events with this.
