Would like to expand the host alert the bot has. Allow me to set a sound clip and have an onscreen notification pop up when someone hosts you. Also would be greatly appreciated if you could set a threshold so it doesn't go off when trolls /host your channel for 1 viewer.
For the host section, would be cool if we could maybe set a channel description for each of the people on our host list, so when the channel is hosted while we are offline, it will say in chat, now hosting -twitch link- and give your description about the streamer as well.
Would be nice if we could set the bankheist mini game to just go off on a set interval. I have my game play once an hour and atm, I have it customized so when the cooldown is up, the cooldown response is !bankheist 1 so it starts the game again. Would be nice if we could just automate it
Thank you.