I'd like follower, donations and gamewisp subs CSS. Nothing fancy, use the following image on all 3.
Follower Alert
Image Link:

Font Style: Artist choice
Font Color: Black
Any text fill/boarder?: white boarder
Where do you want text located? above (Follower Name):
Welcome to the Nuthouse!
GameWisp Sub Alert
Image Link:

Font Style: Artists choice
Font Color: Black
Any text fill/boarder?: white boarder
What do you want the alert to say? Sub Name has subscribed to Sub Tier
Donation Alert
Image Link:

Font Style/Link: You decide, your choice
Font Color: Black
Any text fill/boarder?: white
Currency Type: USD
What do you want the alert to say? Donator Name has added Donation Amount to the stash
Alternate image if the primary isn't working.

Thank you so much!