Follower Alert
Image Link: Style/Link: Courgette (bold)
Font Color: Red
Any text fill/boarder?: No
Where do you want text located? (Follower Name): To the right of the image: Name Thanks for the follow! (see example)
Example (If applicable): else?: Image animated. Rounded corners would be cool but no sweat if it is not possible.
Donation Alert
Image Link: Style/Link: Courgette (bold)
Font Color: Red
Any text fill/boarder?: No
Currency Type: $
What do you want the alert to say?(Text Options: Donator Name, Donation Amount, Message): Name Thanks for the $$$ donation! (see example)
Example (If applicable): else?: Image animated. Rounded corners would be cool but no sweat if it is not possible.
Host Alert
Image Link: Style/Link: Courgette (bold)
Font Color: Red
Any text fill/boarder?: No
What do you want the alert to say?(Text Options: Host Name, Amount of Viewers): Name Thanks for hosting the stream! (see example)
Example (If applicable): else?: Image animated. Rounded corners would be cool but no sweat if it is not possible.
Thank you!