Author Topic: More Minigames (VERY Long Post)  (Read 3300 times)

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More Minigames (VERY Long Post)
« on: December 08, 2013, 12:12:31 AM »
Here's some more minigames in C#.  I'm not actually requesting these be added, just posting them here for some ideas.  Naturally all of these would need to be adapted from IRC to TMI.


Code: [Select]
    class Bomb : Game
        int time = 10;
        int prize = 70;
        string[] colors = { "red", "blue", "green", "yellow", "black" };

        string player;
        string host;
        string solution;

        public Bomb(Bot bot, Channel chan, IrcEventArgs e)
            : base(bot, chan)
            solution = colors[bot.Random.Next(0, colors.Length)];
            player = e.Data.Nick;
            host = bot.GetHost(player);

        public override void Start()
            string tmp = bot.Prefix;
            foreach (string s in colors)
                tmp += s + "/";

            chan.SendMessage(player + " recieves the bomb. You have " + time + " seconds to defuse it using by cutting the right cable." +
            " Choose you destiny: " + Msg.Bold(tmp));

        public override void Update(IrcEventArgs e)
            string[] msgArray = e.Data.MessageArray;

            if (bot.GetHost(e.Data.Nick) == host)
                if (msgArray[0].ToLower() == solution || msgArray[0].ToLower() + bot.Prefix == solution)
                    bot.UpdateMoney(host, prize);
                    chan.SendMessage(player + " defused the bomb. Seems like he was wise enough to buy a defuse kit. You win " + prize + "$");
                    chan.SendMessage("The bomb explodes in " + player + "'s hands. You lost your life and - even worse - $20." +
                        " The right color would have been " + Msg.Bold(solution));
                    bot.UpdateMoney(host, -20);

        public override void TimeOut()
            chan.SendMessage("the bomb explodes in front of " + player + ". Seems like you did not even notice the big beeping suitcase. You loose $50");
            bot.UpdateMoney(host, -50);


Code: [Select]
    class Dice : Game

        string[] player = new string[2];
        string[] host = new string[2];
        int[] score = new int[2];
        int[] round = new int[2];

        GameState gameState = GameState.Waiting;
        int turn = 0;

        public Dice(Bot bot, Channel chan, IrcEventArgs e)
            : base(bot, chan)
            player[0] = e.Data.Nick;
            host[0] = bot.GetHost(e.Data.Nick);
            score[0] = 0;
            score[1] = 0;

        public override void Start()
            chan.SendMessage(player[0] + " wants to play. Type " + bot.Prefix + "join to play against him :)");

        public override void Update(IrcEventArgs e)
            if (gameState == GameState.Waiting)
                if (bot.isCommand(e, "join")) //&& !(string.Equals(bot.GetHost(e.Data.Nick), host[0])))
                    player[1] = e.Data.Nick;
                    host[1] = bot.GetHost(e.Data.Nick);
                    gameState = GameState.Running;

                    chan.SendMessage("The game starts now : " + player[0] + " vs. " + player[1] + ". You have up to three rolls (1-6), your last roll counts.");
                    chan.SendNotice(player[turn], "It's your turn! Use " + Msg.Bold(bot.Prefix + "roll") + " to roll the dice or "
                        + Msg.Bold(bot.Prefix + "stop") + " to end your turn.");
            //Game running
            else if ((e.Data.Nick == player[0] && turn == 0) || (e.Data.Nick == player[1] && turn == 1))
                if (bot.isCommand(e, "roll"))
                    score[turn] = bot.Random.Next(1, 7);
                    if (round[turn] == 3)
                        chan.SendNotice(player[turn], "You rolled a " + Msg.Bold(score[turn]) + ". This was your last roll.");
                        if (turn < 1)
                        chan.SendNotice(player[turn], "You rolled a " + Msg.Bold(score[turn]) +
                            ". You have " + (3 - round[turn]) + " attempt(s) left -> " + bot.Prefix + "roll/stop");
                else if (bot.isCommand(e, "stop"))
                    if (turn < 1)

        public override void TimeOut()
            if (gameState == GameState.Waiting)
                chan.SendMessage("Sorry " + player[0] + " but nobody wanted to play with you." +
                    " Seems like you should get some friends ;)");
                chan.SendMessage("Gameover - " + player[turn] + " was too slow.");


        private void Next()
            chan.SendNotice(player[turn], "It's your turn! Use " + Msg.Bold(bot.Prefix + "roll") + " to roll the dice or "
                + Msg.Bold(bot.Prefix + "stop") + " to end your turn.");

        private void Over()
            chan.SendMessage(player[0] + ": " + Msg.Bold(score[0]) + " vs. " + player[1] + ": " + Msg.Bold(score[1]));

            if (score[0] > score[1])
            else if (score[0] < score[1])
            else if (score[0] <= 3)
                chan.SendMessage("Both players lose 20$");
                bot.UpdateMoney(host[0], -20);
                bot.UpdateMoney(host[1], -20);
                chan.SendMessage("Both players win 10$");
                bot.UpdateMoney(host[0], 10);
                bot.UpdateMoney(host[1], 10);

        private void Winner(int winner)
            int loser = (winner + 1) % 2;

            chan.SendMessage(player[winner] + " wins 35$ and " + player[loser] + " loses 20$.");
            bot.UpdateMoney(host[winner], 35);
            bot.UpdateMoney(host[loser], -20);



Code: [Select]
    class Hangman : Game
        int lifes = 10;
        int time = 60;
        int prize = 30;

        string solution;
        bool[] correct;
        char[] chars;
        int count = 0;

        public Hangman(Bot bot, Channel chan, IrcEventArgs e)
            : base(bot, chan)
            solution = bot.RandomWord;
            chars = solution.ToCharArray();
            correct = new bool[solution.Length];

        public override void Start()
            chan.SendMessage("You have " + time + " seconds to find the following word: " + Msg.Bold(GenerateWord()) +
                " but don't forget, you have only " + lifes + " lifes.");

        public override void Update(IrcEventArgs e)
            if (e.Data.Message.Length == 1)
                bool changed = false;

                //check each letter of the solution
                for (int i = 0; i < solution.Length; i++)
                    if (chars[i] == char.Parse(e.Data.Message) && correct[i] == false)
                        correct[i] = true;
                        changed = true;

                if (changed) //correct letter
                    if (count == solution.Length) //final letter
                    else //any letter
                        chan.SendMessage(Msg.Bold(e.Data.Message) + " is correct! " + Msg.Bold(GenerateWord()) + " Lifes left: " + lifes);
                    if (lifes == 0)
                        chan.SendMessage("Game over! " + Msg.Bold(solution) + " would have been the solution.");
                        chan.SendMessage(Msg.Bold(e.Data.Message) + " is wrong or was already guessed. Lifes left: " + lifes);

            else if (e.Data.Message == solution)

        public override void TimeOut()
            chan.SendMessage("Time is over! The word we looked for was " + Msg.Bold(solution));

        private void Over(string nick)
            int earned = bot.UpdateMoney(bot.GetHost(nick), prize + lifes + solution.Length, int.Parse(chan.CurrentTime), time);
            chan.SendMessage(nick + " has found the solution: " + Msg.Bold(solution) + " and wins " + earned + "$");

        private string GenerateWord()
            string word = "";

            for (int i = 0; i < solution.Length; i++)
                if (correct[i])
                    word += chars[i];
                    word += "_";

            return word;


Code: [Select]
    class Luckylotto : Game
        const int time = 15;
        const int prize = 50;

        int solution;
        List<string> player;
        List<string> host;
        List<int> bet;

        public Luckylotto(Bot bot, Channel chan, IrcEventArgs e)
            : base(bot, chan)
            solution = bot.Random.Next(0, 10);
            player = new List<string>();
            host= new List<string>();
            bet = new List<int>();   

        public override void Start()
            chan.SendMessage("Everybody in the channel has " + time + " seconds to choose a number between 0 and 9." +
            " Each player who guessed the correct number wins. The more players joined, the higher the prize.");

        public override void Update(IrcEventArgs e)
            int tmp;
            if (e.Data.Message.Length == 1 && !player.Contains(e.Data.Nick) && int.TryParse(e.Data.Message, out tmp))

        public override void TimeOut()
            if (player.Count == 0)
                chan.SendMessage("Nobody entered the game in time - it would have been " + Msg.Bold(solution.ToString()));
                string tmp = "";
                int earned = prize + 25 * player.Count;
                int lost = 10 + player.Count;

                for (int i = 0; i < bet.Count; i++)
                    if (bet[i] == solution)
                        tmp += " " + player[i];
                        bot.UpdateMoney(host[i], earned);
                        bot.UpdateMoney(host[i], -lost);

                if (tmp.Length == 0)
                    chan.SendMessage("Every player lost " + lost + "$ - the correct number would have been " + Msg.Bold(solution));
                    chan.SendMessage("The following players were lucky and win " + earned + "$:" +
                        Msg.Bold(tmp) + ". Everybody else lost " + lost + "$. Correct was: " + Msg.Bold(solution));


Code: [Select]
    class Omgword : Game
        const int time = 30;
        const int prize = 20;

        string solution;

        public Omgword(Bot bot, Channel chan, IrcEventArgs e)
            : base(bot, chan)
            solution = bot.RandomWord;

        public override void Start()
            string word = "";
            //randomize the order of the chars
            for (int i = 0; i < solution.Length; i++)
                if (bot.Random.Next(0, 2) == 0)
                    word = word + solution.Substring(i, 1);
                    word = solution.Substring(i, 1) + word;

            chan.SendMessage("You have " + time + " seconds to solve this: " + Msg.Bold(word));

        public override void Update(IrcEventArgs e)
            if (e.Data.Message == solution)
                int earned = bot.UpdateMoney(bot.GetHost(e.Data.Nick), prize + solution.Length, int.Parse(chan.CurrentTime), time);

                chan.SendMessage(e.Data.Nick + " entered the solution in " + chan.CurrentTime +
                    " seconds and wins " + earned + "$. Correct was " + Msg.Bold(solution));

        public override void TimeOut()
             chan.SendMessage("Time is over! The word we looked for was " + Msg.Bold(solution));



Code: [Select]
    class Slot : Game
        int[] prizes = { -10, 30, 300, 1337 };
        string[] words = { "Apple", "Pear", "Cherry", "Citron", "Orange", "Banana", "1337" };

        string[] slots;
        string player;
        string host;

        public Slot(Bot bot, Channel chan, IrcEventArgs e)
            : base(bot, chan)
            slots = new string[] { words[bot.Random.Next(0, words.Length)], words[bot.Random.Next(0, words.Length)],
                                 words[bot.Random.Next(0, words.Length)] };
            player = e.Data.Nick;
            host = bot.GetHost(player);

        public override void Start()
            string temp = "(" + slots[0] + ") (" + slots[1] + ") (" + slots[2] + ")";

            //3x "1337"
            if ((slots[0] == slots[1]) && (slots[1] == slots[2]) && (slots[0] == "1337"))
                temp += " C0nGr47ul47!0nz" + Msg.Bold(player) + " u won " + prizes[3] + "$ - go pwn some n00bs :>";
                bot.UpdateMoney(host, prizes[3]);
            //3 equal
            else if ((slots[0] == slots[1]) && (slots[1] == slots[2]))
                temp += " Congratulations " + Msg.Bold(player) + " you won " + prizes[2] + "$";
                bot.UpdateMoney(host, prizes[2]);
            //0 equal
            else if ((slots[0] != slots[1]) && (slots[1] != slots[2]) && (slots[0] != slots[2]))
                temp += " Sorry " + Msg.Bold(player) + " but you lost " + -prizes[0] + "$";
                bot.UpdateMoney(host, prizes[0]);
            //2 equal
                temp += " Congratulations " + Msg.Bold(player) + " you won " + prizes[1] + "$";
                bot.UpdateMoney(host, prizes[1]);


        public override void Update(IrcEventArgs e)

        public override void TimeOut()


Code: [Select]
    class Reverse : Game
        const int time = 20;
        const int prize = 10;

        string word;
        string solution = "";

        public Reverse(Bot bot, Channel chan, IrcEventArgs e)
            : base(bot, chan)
            word = bot.RandomWord;

        public override void Start()
            for (int i = 0; i < word.Length; i++)
                solution += word.Substring((word.Length - i - 1), 1);

            chan.SendMessage("You have " + time + " seconds to write this word in reverse order: " + Msg.Bold(word));

        public override void Update(IrcEventArgs e)
            if (e.Data.Message == solution)
               int earned = bot.UpdateMoney(bot.GetHost(e.Data.Nick), prize + solution.Length, int.Parse(chan.CurrentTime), time);

                chan.SendMessage(e.Data.Nick + " entered the solution in " + chan.CurrentTime +
                    " seconds and wins " + earned + "$. Correct was " + Msg.Bold(solution));

        public override void TimeOut()
            chan.SendMessage("Time is over! The word we looked for was " + Msg.Bold(solution));


  • Youngling
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Re: More Minigames (VERY Long Post)
« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2014, 02:00:58 AM »
Love the games posted. My viewers love the bankheist and im sure they would love tons of other little minigames they could play.


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Re: More Minigames (VERY Long Post)
« Reply #2 on: February 01, 2014, 06:32:57 AM »
yeh if we could get more games integrated that would be great. so many people want games they love the bank heist metagame :D


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Re: More Minigames (VERY Long Post)
« Reply #3 on: February 02, 2014, 11:36:24 PM »
The Bankheist is a big hit in my stream aswell, lots of fun and brings more viewer interraction. More games would be great.


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Re: More Minigames (VERY Long Post)
« Reply #4 on: February 09, 2014, 04:17:13 AM »
i love the lotto-one :) that would be great! nice work!


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Re: More Minigames (VERY Long Post)
« Reply #5 on: October 27, 2014, 07:04:31 AM »
No Add this Games?


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Re: More Minigames (VERY Long Post)
« Reply #6 on: October 27, 2014, 07:36:21 AM »
More Games would be great