Author Topic: Deepbot Music  (Read 1512 times)

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Deepbot Music
« on: July 18, 2015, 06:49:56 AM »
Okay I have a bit of a problem and maybe its something on my end but I was wondering if anyone had the same issue or solution. When my viewers are requesting music through deep bot, the music is SUPER loud in my headset even though on both deepbot and the video within deep bot I have the volume turned down really low. For some reason, on stream, the music is too quiet and people complain, yet for me the music is so loud its almost unbearable and I can't hear teamspeak or the game.

Ive thought about just not listening to it myself, but if I dont listen to pc obviously I cant hear teamspeak. Turning down the deepbot music on my computer sound mixer wont work obviously because if it turns down for pc it turns down for the stream. Im using the astro mixamp but nothing helps there and I've tried multiple headsets. SO basically.. any clue why my ears are being blown out and the stream is like "wtf where is the music?"? I didn't seem to have this issue when using Nightbot, so didn't know if this was a deep bot issue or something I can fix in the settings.  Thanks in advance.


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Re: Deepbot Music
« Reply #1 on: July 18, 2015, 06:58:36 AM »
You can turn the volume up on deepbot, then adjust deepbot in the windows mixer to a decent level. That is what I do. I set my music volume at about 5-10 on deepbot, then in the mixer I put it to about 50ish. But my headset/soundcard have some settings to increase volume of my headphones and on my headphones as well.
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