Author Topic: zeroooc - art and gaming - love and pancakes  (Read 1184 times)

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zeroooc - art and gaming - love and pancakes
« on: September 15, 2015, 01:14:43 AM »
Hey guys im (OoC)Zeroe or Nikki and I live in Vienna!

i've been consistently streaming every day for 6 weeks now :D

basically you can catch me doing any of the following things: building, questing, destroying, testing, modding, PvE, PvP, ladder, drawing, editing, coding, screening footage and videos I have made and listening to music!

Current Rotation:

Creative, Hearthstone, Witcher 3, Starcraft 2, HotS, Fall Out: New Vegas, Star Made, Spotify, Starbound, Photoshop, Premiere Pro, Total War: Arena, Planetside 2, Until Dawn, Terraria, Civilization 5...etc.

We also show trailers for games/movies, serious discourse about game development/releases, bug hunting, fun music tunes and coffee

If you are looking for team matches, this is the right place.

Order of Chaos - gaming clan - est. 1999