Author Topic: The PopOut chat browser  (Read 1462 times)

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The PopOut chat browser
« on: October 31, 2015, 04:21:29 AM »
I would like to see a way to customize this further.  I want to use it as a browser source to have my stream chat show up on OBS Multiplatform.  But as it is now, no matter how I crop it, resize it or what ever.  to get it to the size I want on OBS it becomes unreadable, as the text gets to small.  I would like a way to Resize the chat in the browser it self, so when I do capture it via browser source, it can look cleaner and the right size. 

Would also like a way to upload custom VIP symbols to the bot, so for someone like me who is using gamewhisp atm for sub, I give them vip access on the bot as a standard twitch sub would get.  Would like a way to change that gold star, to an appropriate sub icon, so on stream, when they talk, it will show it in the chat, instead of the gold star.  Just some quality of life features :)


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Re: The PopOut chat browser
« Reply #1 on: October 31, 2015, 04:54:04 AM »
You can use CSS to customize the obs chat. Not sure if Multiplatform lets you use custom css tho. (Link to CSS: Look for OBS Chat)

You can even customize the icons on how it displays on OBS chat css. But I believe the icons on deepbot itself are coded, and can't be changed at the time being.
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