Author Topic: Can't change channel topic during bot, and using the chat is not possible  (Read 1149 times)

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Bug: Can't change channel topic during bot, and using the chat is not possible
Info: Restart Bot and logout re-logh changes nothing
How did you come across this bug?: It show up since 2 days as I could not type into the chat
Screen stays black
Pic :

What can I do to fix that ??
Bot is the latest version
I'm using Win10pro and the latest Nvidia driver

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Re: Can't change channel topic during bot, and using the chat is not possible
« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2016, 01:21:06 AM »
A. Common errors can be fixed just by making sure you are running Deepbot as admin. (Instead of double clicking to open up deepbot, you right click > Select “Run As Administrator”)

B. Also, try running DBUpdater.exe in your Deepbot Folder. (The Default location of your Deepbot folder is: “C:\DeepBot - Twitch Streamer Assistant”)

C. Navigate to your Deepbot Folder > Right-Click the Deepbot Application > Select “Properties” > Navigate to the “Security” Tab > Make sure all users listed on the “Security” Tab have the “Full Control” permission checked.

D. Download/Install/Repair both x86 (32-Bit) and x64 (64-bit) versions of Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio:

Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2012 Update 4

Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2013

E. Then try using the .NET Framework Cleanup Tool (This will remove all version of .NET Framework so you can clean install the latest .NET Framework. Source: Here):

.NET Cleanup Tool

Then Install .NET Framework 4.6.1 (Windows 10):

.NET Framework 4.6.1
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