Author Topic: Additional Music Player Features  (Read 2359 times)

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Additional Music Player Features
« on: February 22, 2017, 09:40:13 AM »
So far I'm loving my transition to DeepBot but my viewers and mods have expressed a few things they miss that my old bot could do with the music player. I'm not sure if these are features that are not yet implemented or maybe I'm entirely missing how to do it so I wanted to request them here.

1. The ability to request songs by keyword. For example, instead of !requestsong [youtube link], you could do !requestsong Michael Jackson Thriller. The bot would then search youtube and bring up the first video after searching the whole keyword search (michael+jackson+thriller). My previous bot did this and it's a great feature for users who watch on mobile who want to request music!

2. Ability for mods and users to delete songs from the list (mods can remove any and viewers can remove their own). This isn't an issue currently but with keyword search it would be great to have this feature, as sometimes the keyword search may bring up the wrong song.

3. The ability for mods to promote songs as a command or users to use points to promote their own songs (although I don't use the points system personally, I figure it may be a nice feature to have for people using the points system).

Again, 2 and 3 might already be doable through custom commands but I was unable to find any info relating to it, so I figured I'd ask here! Thanks for your time, and love bot so far!


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Re: Additional Music Player Features
« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2017, 10:41:27 AM »
1. Already Possible. Go to Config Tab > Master Settings > Scroll down about halfway and look for this option:

2. Already implemented:

3. Don't think this has been implemented yet.
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Re: Additional Music Player Features
« Reply #2 on: February 22, 2017, 10:57:03 AM »
Thanks for the quick reply! I didn't see the keyword setting last time I checked, sorry! However, it's greyed out. I cannot swap to allowing keyword searches. As for 2, does that allow mods to remove any song? Mods used to be able to remove songs with a command like !deletesong 4 to delete the 4th song in queue. Would something like !removesong 4 work the same? Or can it only be done by me and users? Again, thanks :)


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Re: Additional Music Player Features
« Reply #3 on: February 22, 2017, 11:11:54 AM »
Thanks for the quick reply! I didn't see the keyword setting last time I checked, sorry! However, it's greyed out. I cannot swap to allowing keyword searches. As for 2, does that allow mods to remove any song? Mods used to be able to remove songs with a command like !deletesong 4 to delete the 4th song in queue. Would something like !removesong 4 work the same? Or can it only be done by me and users? Again, thanks :)

The song request by keyword is a VIP Feature. Which is $5/month. If you aren't connected on the config tab, that could also be the issue of being greyed out.

As for the command to remove a song: !removesong   This command will remove the last song from the user that runs it.

Mod Command: !removesong x   Removes a song from the playlist by its number in the queue. For example, !removesong 5 will remove the 5th song that was requested. (This only works if you are using the internal YouTube player.)
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Re: Additional Music Player Features
« Reply #4 on: March 08, 2017, 02:50:52 AM »
I'd just like to note that songrequest is very bad @ keywords

7:49 ledybot: !sr delta heavy hold me
7:49 ledybot: The song Delta Heavy - Get By (Official Video) requested by ledybot has been added to the queue.

 >:( >:(

And if the song exists in the playlist it can't be requested

7:53 ledybot: !sr
7:53 ledybot: The song Delta Heavy - Hold Me (Official Video) is already in the playlist.


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Re: Additional Music Player Features
« Reply #5 on: March 08, 2017, 11:48:44 AM »
Not much can be done. It does a youtube search with the youtube API to pull the first video depending on view count/relevance (depending on how you have it set in master settings).
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Re: Additional Music Player Features
« Reply #6 on: March 09, 2017, 03:30:25 AM »
Yes I realised that later on, relevance is the preferred setting. However the functionality of music player is deeply flawed..

1) If the youtube link exists in playlist anywhere, song can't be requested and added to next position in queue, no matter what position it's in currently.

2) Opening youtube playlist takes way too long

3) Locally saved offline playlist can't be added to, if the playlist is at song #10/50 and you add a song and save the playlist, it will now have 41 songs. This might have something to do with clear songs played, but I haven't got to testing it.
It feels as though the recently played songs have a limit, so out of my 244 songs, some are always lost and I have to stop the music for the stream → load the default playlist → add new song → save default playlist → play music again

4) Shuffle songs should be an option, not a clickable button. Currently, calculation is done once, and songs can not repeat.
A true shuffle could play: (10 songs in playlist) [1,3,7,1,2,10,1] e.g. calculating the following song should be done each time before the next song plays (if you ever used winamp, it jumps around the playlist, it doesn't rearrange the playlist itself)
This is especially bad if you have large playlists, some songs will be heard only once a day (because they can't be requested - see #1)

5) Not enough points to request - this should have a response. And in general most of the commands built-in to Deepbot should have an option to PM a response. (Raffle - you've bought tickets successfully) (

This is my offline playlist and this is my (youtube playlist)

If it helps: 

Again, I apologise if some or all of this is already implemented and I'm just being ignorant. I've barely started to make myself comfortable with the bot :)
« Last Edit: March 09, 2017, 03:43:34 AM by greenie »