Never mind i actually figured it out myself. it is @if@[@userclass@||Mod level 1||Sorry but mods can't do this command||@if@[@userclass@||Mod Level 2||Sorry but mods can't do this command||@if@[@target@||RevloBot||You can't kill the bots!||@if@[@lookupinfo@[@l_userclass@,@target@]||Deepbot||You can't kill the bots!||@if@[@lookupinfo@[@l_userclass@,@target@]||Mod Level 1||You can't kill @target@ as they are a mod FailFish||@if@[@lookupinfo@[@l_userclass@,@target@]||Mod Level 2||You can't kill @target@ as they are a powerful mod. Fear them and their godly powers! SwiftRage||@if@[@lookupinfo@[@l_userclass@,@target@]||Streamer||You can't kill the majestic Shyfoxx! You'd ruin the show! BibleThump||!kill_3 @target@]]]]]]]