Hey guys,
thanks for the latest update to the player.
I got some more questions
Maybe it's just me, but I would like to know how I can manage the playlist, when what I want is basically Nightbot's functionality.. and no, we don't need server for that
What we got :
-Load playlist manually - this has to be done manually every stream, in case I am switching PC off, which I don't but c'mon, it would be nice, if it could be done automatically
-Requested songs may be staying in the music window, I would have to monitor the Music tab whole stream, which is unreal, but what I know for sure is that the played songs are "pushing" the songs out of the playlist. New are added, while the old ones are disappearing
just imagine there were 100 songs requested by woodydaocas. Now there's just a handful, with requested songs on the end. This is unusable, sorry.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/1x547ao4t36w8jt/Screenshot%202013-12-30%2013.11.00.pngWhat I am even talking about ? Well, how am I supposed to get the SAME playlist up other day(same = my songs + those perma requested to be added), when I got 1/2 of "mine" playlist in the player and couple requested songs there ?
What I see now, that I have to do is:
- copy weblink on requested songs, paste is somewhere.
- do it for every single one of them
- clear playlist
- load my old playlist
- paste all the songs one after another to the playlist
- save it, rewrite the old one
I may be missing something, but I am sorry, this is pretty unusable :/
What I would like to have :
-New function - "load playlist x automatically on bot's start"
- DO NOT REMOVE PLAYED SONGS - EVER. Yes, make the list 100 songs long, we will manage it
Currently it's deleting songs played long before, it's nonsense.
-New function: as I stated in previous post :
2 queues
temp queue, as I explained to Izl: the "please check this song and tell me your opinion" queue - very much used by viewers on nightbot
more options for streamer = add the currently(and previously) playing song to the perma queue
perma queue - autosaved(on bot's exit minimally), autoloaded on it's start
-Also, 2nd command, for adding to perma queue. If I set it that way, people should be able to pay point to add songs to perma queue, whether I like it, or not. This is an idea from INVIS's stream(R.I.P.), it costed a LOT to perma add the song, "or you might just ask me to view the song, if I like it, I will add it to my playlist" - exactly the same, pay huge amount to "permaadd" or -in this case new - pay a little for just adding to TEMP queue, let us listen to it, if we like it, we might just add it. People are happy that we checked it, since I got small stream, I should be able to make this a zero point cost, just to keep people occupied.
Atleast: check song - 1 currency, permaadd - 10 currency(editable, ofc). I hope you see my point.
It can't just be perma add, while there is litterally no option to preserve their wishes, noone's gonna copy the songs manually
-Export the current playlist (ie. the songs "loaded" in the player) into 3 things(see previous post):
text file with song names
text file with song (YT) links
youtube playlist link
-Option to ADD playlist to the current one, not just overwrite it. My trusted mates might just compile some very useful YT playlist for me, are we supposed to add it one song after another manually again ? I am sorry, but that is against everything you are trying to achieve with DeepBot(atleast I believe so), making it hard to use.
-Also, option to repeat, if end of the playlist is reached, plus if one song from playlist was removed (this happens a lot, actually) the bot stops, with player just showing "video removed" and that's it. Maybe add some check to autoskip in this case after 5-10 seconds, to make it obvious something went wrong so I might intervene.
-Include playlist files into backups, if they are not in there already
-Make songs in the playlist multiselectable, with ctrl pressed, just like explorer. I might want to delete 5 removed videos at once, or a whole section, shift clicking the start and end, pressing DEL to delete is just a luxury, right click-remove is enough in this case, but multi selection would be nice
Maybe I missed something, but you guys are completelly missing the point why the player is usefull
Maybe I missed a thing or two(ie. what is good for what streamer, I am a small one), but the result is the same, it's still not quiet there, sorry.
Thanks for taking the time to read this